Through linking learning across a variety of topics, children have the opportunity to investigate and interpret the past, understand chronology, build an overview of Britain’s past as well as the wider world and know what a historian should look like.

"Quote from children"

"Quote from children"

HISTORY - Curriculum Intent

At Tickford Park Primary School, we feel that it is important for children to gain ‘real-life’ experiences, and inspire pupil’s curiosity and fascination about history. This is done through arranging class trips, visitors coming into school, handling real life artefacts and developing skills of enquiry, investigation and problem solving.

To ensure high quality history curriculum is being taught, lessons are planned to demonstrate progressions of knowledge and skills, which are included in the long term plans. By the end of year 6, as historians, children will learn lessons from history to influence the decisions they make in their lives and future.

"A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots" Marcus Garvey

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